My Radical Awakening!
I’M BACK!!! One year and one month later to the date of my last post. God is so good!
What a wild ride this has been! I managed to make it through 2020 and into 2021 in one piece, lol! I am sure so many of you can relate to that. In all honesty, though, I shouldn’t make light of the incredible journey I have been on. The past 16 months have graced me with total sobriety, a thriving coaching business, and brand new relationships with my children. I have healed from past wounds that I thought would haunt me forever and I have fully and completely embraced my truth.
I don’t know about you but if this year of personal growth has shown me anything, it’s how sick I am of living my life to please other people. I am tired of conforming to society’s version of who I “should be.” I’m over it! Can I get an Amen!
Even though there seems to be so much hate, sickness, and chaos going on in the world, I have noticed a positive shift in people’s mindsets as well. Mine especially. Although you have to set out to intentionally see it, I find that there is a desire to advocate for others and save what is left of humanity. I mean, I admit you might have to look hard to find it because all you see on the News is racially motivated hate and violence but there are still good people left. Sometimes it’s difficult to wrap my head around how we are supposed to move forward when there is so much negativity distracting us. Realistically speaking, how can we expect to continue living on this planet if we are constantly destroying it and tearing each other down? How will our children be able to grow and live a sustainable life if we do not first, lead by example? In my opinion, the answer begins with kindness, compassion, patience, and a willingness to embrace a different perspective.
I am definitely not here to preach. I am not religious but more on a spiritual journey to help expand your mind and guide you to embody who you are. Maybe even challenge you to venture down a new path if the one you’re on is no longer serving you.
With that being said, I will leave you with this empowering poem from the book, A Radical Awakening, written by New York Times Best Selling Author, Dr. Shefali. The words this beautiful Queen speaks will leave you feeling inspired, encouraged, and motivated to take the next steps in doing what is best for YOU! I highly recommend buying the book.
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When she discards her old ways like tossing shoes in the garbage
When she shreds her list of “shoulds” and obligations
And when impossible expectations are burned in an incinerator
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When the approval of others once jewels now turn to pennies in her sock
When the hunt for another is now replaced by a hunt for herself
And when parental tentacles of tradition no longer define her truth
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When her desire to fit in with the crowd dissolves
When her manic compulsion to be perfect vaporizes
And when her obsession to be voted popular eviscerates
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When she simply says “no more”
When facade, artifice, and guile leave her nauseated
And when righteousness, dogma, and superiority repulse her
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When she no longer fears conflict but faces it boldly like a lioness
When she guards her authenticity as fearlessly as she guards her babies
And when she drops the role of savior knowing she can only save herself
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When she no longer cowers in the shadows of her unworthiness
When she no longer plays small so others can feel big
And when she swaps the role of victim for the role of cocreator
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When she unabashedly and boldly occupies her ultimate sovereignty
When she finally feels ready to claim her space in the world
And when she redefines compassion as unequivocal self-love
There comes a time in the life of a woman
When she finally releases her childlike dependencies on others
When she dares to rewrite a new mandate of living for herself
One that says:
I release unworthiness and fear
I divorce servility and passivity
I divest inauthenticity and enmeshment
I end the pretense of being someone I am not
And from now on I declare…
I will ascend into my highest power
I will embrace my greatest autonomy
I will celebrate my deepest worth
I will embody my fiercest courage
and manifest the authentic me
The time is now
I am ready
To awaken into my renaissance.